Can you say yummy? We know she will.
You may need to get a napkin for this one because your hands are going to get sticky with this scent. Grab your beard and give it a rub with the sweet smell of cinnamon rolls, cookies and a hint of coffee.
Give your beard some beer! Brewers Beard uses premium ingredients to craft the perfect elixir for anyone who wants an epic beard. We add a special concentrated hop oil to each bottle of beard oil along with premium carrier oils.
Directions: Use daily after washing and drying beard. Apply 2 to 5 drops or more of beard oil into palm (the longer the beard the more drops, the shorter, the less). Massage oil into beard while whispering it a sweet serenade. Repeat 2-3 times daily.
Premium Hop Infused Beard Oil
$25.00 PER 1x30mL
Plus taxes